
Biden’s Humanitarian Pier in Gaza Fails as Terrorist Attacks Persist

President Joe Biden’s decision to construct a temporary “humanitarian pier” on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast has sparked chaos and danger. Despite the hype from Pentagon officials, the aid delivery has not reached the residents of Gaza as promised. Furthermore, the pier has become a target for attacks by terrorists in Gaza, leading to the activation of defensive U.S. weapons to protect the aid delivery platform.

In April, terrorists carried out a mortar attack on the area where the pier connects to land during its construction, highlighting the shortsightedness of Biden’s plan. Now that the pier’s construction is complete, American C-RAM systems have been set up to intercept incoming fire from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other Iran-backed terrorists. These groups continue to disrupt aid delivery, despite being the ones in need of humanitarian aid.

The attacks on the U.S. pier are not isolated incidents; the Kerem Shalom border crossing between Israel and Gaza has also been targeted multiple times by Hamas. These attacks have occurred as hundreds of trucks continue to deliver humanitarian aid to Gazans daily. The Foundation for Defense of Democracy has emphasized the importance of aid distribution in Gaza, noting that the attacks on aid locations persist due to the failure of international pressure to prevent terrorists from hindering aid delivery.

Ultimately, the construction of the “humanitarian pier” has not lived up to its promises, and the ongoing attacks by terrorists continue to disrupt aid distribution in Gaza.

Written by Staff Reports

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