
Defense Requests Acquittal in Hunter Biden’s Delaware Gun Trial

Hunter Biden’s Delaware gun trial reached a pivotal moment as the prosecution wrapped up its case and the defense swiftly requested an acquittal. The trial, which began five days ago with the selection of jurors, has been filled with testimonies from individuals close to Biden, such as his ex-wife and ex-girlfriends, as well as a gun salesman.

Special counsel David Weiss from the Justice Department brought forth three felony charges against Hunter Biden related to a firearm purchase he made in 2018 while reportedly under the influence of drugs. The allegations include accusations of lying to the gun dealer about his drug use, providing false information on the firearm application, and unlawfully possessing the gun for nearly two weeks.

Following the conclusion of the prosecution’s presentation, Biden’s legal team wasted no time in motioning for an acquittal, citing concerns that the case infringes upon his Second Amendment rights. This bold move by the defense sets the stage for a potentially contentious legal battle in the days to come.

Editorial Opinion: The prosecution’s case against Hunter Biden appears to be politically motivated and an overreach of government power. It is crucial to uphold the Second Amendment rights of all individuals, including Biden, and prevent any unjust infringements on these liberties. This trial highlights the importance of defending the rights of law-abiding citizens against government intrusion and should serve as a reminder of the necessity to protect our constitutional freedoms.

Written by Staff Reports

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