
GOP Betrays America: Refuses to Impeach Failing Mayorkas

Four Border Patrol agents, who wish to remain anonymous, have come forward to criticize the four Republican representatives who voted against the impeachment resolution targeting DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. These agents are appalled by the refusal of Reps. Tom McClintock, Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher, and Blake Moore to hold Mayorkas accountable for his alleged “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and “breach of the public trust.” And honestly, who can blame them? These spineless individuals put party loyalty above doing what’s right for the American people.

One Border Patrol agent didn’t hold back, stating, “I’m not surprised. The spineless GOP doing what they do best.” Ouch! But it’s hard to argue with the agent’s sentiment. These representatives, who are supposed to represent their constituents, have instead chosen to turn a blind eye to Mayorkas’ incompetence.

Another agent pointed out that Mayorkas has been a disaster since day one, yet the GOP chose to let him off the hook. It’s a slap in the face to the Constitution and the founding fathers, who believed in the importance of holding public officials accountable. Apparently, the GOP has forgotten those values.

Let’s talk about Mayorkas’ record. Under his watch, illegal immigration has reached record highs. The Border Patrol recorded over 2.2 million encounters in fiscal year 2022 and over 2 million in fiscal year 2023. These numbers are staggering, and yet Mayorkas has the audacity to claim that the border is secure. Talk about living in an alternate reality!

One agent saw the whole impeachment process as a farce. They stated, “[It’s] ridiculous. He has no clue how to secure the border.” It’s hard to argue with that assessment. Mayorkas has shown time and time again that he is not up to the task of protecting our borders.

It’s disheartening to see these four Republican representatives choose party politics over the well-being of the American people. They had an opportunity to hold Mayorkas accountable for his failures, but instead, they chose to let him off the hook. It’s a sad day for the GOP and for anyone who believes in the importance of upholding the rule of law.

Written by Staff Reports

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