
Hunter’s Cash-in-Chief: Joe Biden Caught in Payday Web!

In a recent kerfuffle that sounds like something out of a made-for-TV drama, a former business associate of Hunter Biden has come out swinging against President Joe Biden’s declaration that he had no dealings with his son’s foreign business buddies. The associate didn’t mince words, calling the president’s statement “complete malarkey” and asserting that there’s a whole heap of evidence proving otherwise.

To add fuel to the fire, the House Oversight Committee spilled the tea about some subpoenaed bank records that revealed a little something-something about Hunter’s business entity, Owasco P.C. It turns out they were making nice monthly payments directly to the President himself. Well, well, well, look at that.

Now, this news has caused quite the stir, throwing shade on President Biden’s previous claims about keeping a firm separation between his presidential duties and his family’s business escapades. Representative James Comer from the bluegrass state, Kentucky, didn’t hold back. He straight-up called the President a liar and questioned his integrity. Ouch!

Enter Eric Schwerin, who’s been in cahoots with Hunter Biden and has been knee-deep in handling his finances, especially when it comes to those lucrative business deals in China. But that’s not all. Turns out, Schwerin has also been juggling the pocketbooks of good ol’ Joe Biden himself. A little too close for comfort, if you ask this conservative writer.

Anonymous sources spilled the beans to Fox News, hinting at regular chitchats between Schwerin and President Biden, along with his main advisors. If you ask this news writer, it sounds like some pretty cozy financial talks with the big guy in charge.

In response to these bombshell revelations, President Biden didn’t pull any punches. He dismissed the allegations as a bunch of lies. But let’s be real, that’s not stopping the whispers and raised eyebrows.

And if all that wasn’t enough drama, the House Oversight Committee has been flexing its investigative muscles, bringing in whistleblower whispers and even a federal judge squashing a proposed plea deal. It’s like a political soap opera, folks!

Representative Comer didn’t miss a beat, pointing out Joe Biden’s past chats and hobnobbing with Hunter’s business buds while he was Vice President. Oh, and let’s not forget those trips on Air Force Two, where Hunter apparently gave the “Biden Brand” some good ol’ fashioned self-promotion.

When the press tried to get some clarity on these bombshells, all they got was a swift shutdown from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. No comment and a referral to the White House Counsel’s Office. Classic move, right?

In the end, it’s a wild ride of accusations and whispers, leaving everyone wondering what’s next in this saga of political intrigue and family business drama. Stay tuned for the next episode!

Written by Staff Reports

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