
Hurricane GOP: No Speaker, but Jim Jordan Riding High!

The U.S. House of Representatives adjourned for the weekend without selecting a new speaker. Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio was designated as the Speaker in a closed-door vote by the House Republican Conference. Reports differ on the vote count, with journalist Greg Price stating it was 152-55, while earlier reports claimed it was 124-81. Price later corrected the count, which was also confirmed by Benny Johnson of Newsmax.

Representative Elise Stefanik, Chair of the Republican Conference, took to social media to congratulate Jordan on his designation as Speaker. She expressed her support for Jordan and described him as a “strong American First Warrior.” Stefanik’s message displayed her enthusiasm for the mission to “save America.”

Price suggested that the vote should be taken to the floor so that the 55 dissenting members could publicly express their preference for a conservative Speaker. However, with the House adjourned, the discussions and negotiations will take place behind closed doors. This kind of backroom dealing goes against the transparency that the American people desire and only fuels their dissatisfaction with politicians.

There is an expectation that the House will reconvene on Monday to hold the vote. By that time, the intense conversations and decision-making will have already been completed away from public scrutiny. It remains to be seen whether we will witness a reversal of the 2021 Speaker contest, with a group of conservatives leading a revolt against Jordan.

Several Republican lawmakers have publicly endorsed Jordan for Speaker. Congressman Austin Scott praised Jordan, calling him an asset to the Republican Party and the ideal nominee. Republican Representative Corey Mills from Florida also expressed his support for Jordan, emphasizing the need for his leadership in saving America. Even Senator Ted Cruz, while unable to vote, controversially endorsed Jordan, citing his conservative values and strength as a friend.

In the coming days, the House GOP will undoubtedly engage in a flurry of activity and fervent discussions. The speakership decision will determine the direction of Congress and the legislative agenda, making it a pivotal moment for the Republican Party and the nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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