
Trillions of Cicadas Set to Swarm US as Temperatures Rise

Get ready for a buzzworthy event! Trillions of cicadas are about to crash the party in the United States, and they’re not worried about being fashionably late. The University of Illinois Extension office has warned that these little guys will start showing up once the ground reaches a toasty 65 degrees. That means it’s time to break out the bug spray and earplugs, because these critters are known for throwing the ultimate sleepless soirée.

There are two groups of cicadas making their grand entrance: the 13-year Brood XIX crew and the 17-year Brood XIII gang. From southern Iowa to Georgia and South Carolina, Brood XIX will be strutting their stuff, while Brood XIII will be getting their groove on from northern Iowa through Ohio. But don’t expect all communities to join in the fun at the same time. Southern cities will kick things off in April, but the northern locations may not start the party until June. It’s like throwing a surprise birthday bash and forgetting to tell some of the guests the date.

Dr. Frank A. Hale from the University of Tennessee’s Extension program predicts there could be about a million cicadas per acre. That’s a lot of winged creatures ready to shake up the neighborhood. This shindig is so big that it’s the first time since 1803 that Broods XIX and XIII are teaming up, though we did see a 13-year brood and a 17-year brood tag team in 2015. We’re in for a cicada extravaganza that hasn’t happened since Thomas Jefferson was calling the shots in the Oval Office. Talk about making an entrance!

While these cicadas have been chilling underground, they’ve been enjoying a gourmet meal of tree roots for over a decade. Once they emerge, they can expect to live it up for about six weeks, making all sorts of noises to catch the attention of the opposite sex. It’s like their own version of a bug bachelorette or bachelor party. Why do these bugs spend so much time underground, you ask? Well, experts believe it’s to dodge predators. It’s like they’ve been playing an extreme game of hide and seek since before the dawn of time.

So stock up on earplugs, secure your tree roots, and prepare for the cicada takeover. It’s going to be a party to remember (or maybe try to forget). Let the chorus of screeching bugs begin!

Written by Staff Reports

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